Organic EL
Toray's organic EL materials can be custom-designed to suit low-voltage applications for energy-saving of lighting equipment. They also help improve the luminous efficiency and extend the service life of lighting equipment.
To the product detail information site | Electronics and Information Materials |
PC casing
Polyacrylonitrile-based Carbon Fibers
As notebook PCs and tablet terminals are becoming increasingly lighter, carbon fiber casings are drawing the attention as it can reduce weight while retaining strength.
To the product detail information site | TORAYCA™ |
Materials for Electronics
From displays to camera sensors, Toray technologies not only enhance the performance and functionality of cellphones, they also reduce their size. Plus, we make materials that are easy to mold and fabricate in order to reduce manufacturing cost.
To the product detail information site | Electronics and Information Materials |
Quakeproof retrofits for pillars and walls
Polyacrylonitrile-based Carbon Fibers
TORAYCA™ is light and sturdy, making installation quick and easy. Easily adapted to the shape and cross-sections of various structures, TORAYCA does not rust and thus minimizes the need for ongoing maintenance.
To the product detail information site | TORAYCA™ |